Liebster Award: Discover New Bloggers

hello lovelies!! today's post is about the liebster award wich is very nice, this award is my second one :) but this time i was...

hello lovelies!!

today's post is about the liebster award wich is very nice, this award is my second one :) but this time i was nominated but this lovely girl here and i really thank you sweetie! now go everyone and check her lovely blog!

so this is my answered questions, i should say that im affraid i can't nominate any blog this time as all the ones i follow have more than 200 followers so.... im sorry!

i hope you find at least a bit interesting my answers as i think they're pretty plain, lol!
wish you all a nice, wonderful and fun week!

1. Most worn item of clothing?
definitely, jeans!

2. Favourite magazine?
don't have one fave atm, haven't read magazine regularly in ages...

3. Designer or High street?
both, definitely, i love chic designer clothes as well as high street.

4. Favourite band/singer?

5. Where would you love to live?
 the one and only monte carlo, monaco!

6. Favourite beauty product?
oh dear... this is hard, but right now it must be mascara.

7. Celebrity syle icon?
audrey hepburn

8. Favourite blogger?
i lover blog atm, she's so chic and gorgeous :) girl from town

9. Dream job?

10. Favourite film?
i couldn't name just one tbh, but let's say bridget jones movies

11. How did you start blogging?
i think it was because i didn't have anything else to do at that moment (i mean let's be honest) so i guess i told myself, let's do this, let's see how it going. just that.

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