what's in my mind...

(images via google search) hello! for today's post i meant to share what is in my mind right now, and it'd pretty much this...

(images via google search)

for today's post i meant to share what is in my mind right now, and it'd pretty much this! (i though, why im gonna add chocolate when is 24/7 in my mind..sighs...)
as im not working at the moment and looking for one madly, i have lots of time lately and all these things come to my mind, a cosy bed where i'd like to be all day, but i'm not!
amelie, and all her fantastic world, i wish i could listen to that music all day... those french navy top... ooh la-la! im wondering where i can get one of those, so please if anyone know a shop where i can buy one, mostly online please.
taking polaroid pictures is one thing that comes to my mind too, i'd like to have some film now... macarons! oh so yummy (maybe i will have one today, as i'm going to a fair later today) and last, but not least french cafes... how lovely would be to be in one of these now!!

what's in your mind right now?
ps. im on twitter and instagram @ nyloncake if any lovely fancy to follow me too :)

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